Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Back to it

Had some time to get back into the hobby and I am close to finishing this White Scar Stormtalon.
I am pleased the way the canopy had turned out after dreading having to finish it off. I was a bit daunted by messing up a vital component to the model, one that does not leave much room for error.
Although it is a little warped, I am also pleased on how the base came out (although may be hard to see in the picture).
I was going for an ash waste style and added a few clumps of dead grass to give it some variety.

Also of note is the new painting rack I recently picked up from TheIronBow.  It is really a nice looking piece and fits the citadel pots perfectly.  Assembly was not too bad of a chore, requiring a little wood glue and a few small screws to get it together.  I highly recommend you check out their etsy store for more details and other handmade products.

Hopefully ill have more to show shortly on the White Scars front.