Friday, December 25, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

Rogue Trader Friday (Modeling): Marine Scouts

In conjunction with my Rogue Trader Friday post at From the Warp, here is a look at some of the old scout models.

While I like the look of the current marine scout kit, you can't beat the character in these old models.

I love the idea of the scouts being able to use enemy weapons.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rogue Trader Friday (Modeling): Ork Freebooterz

I don't often post about Xenos scum on this blog, but researching some images in conjunction with my Rogue Trader Friday post at From the Warp, I came across this hilarious looking bunch of orks.

Ork Freebooterz:

Flash Gitz are the flashiest of Freebooterz, flamboyant in appearance and armed to the teeth - and Kaptin Badrukk's mercenaries are no exception.

I was astonished to find a transformation has occurred over the years:

No less flamboyant, but I guess thats what draws some to Orks.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rogue Trader Friday (Modeling): Chaplains

In conjunction with my Rogue Trader Friday post at From the Warp, here is a look at some of the old Chaplain models.

What is interesting is the color schemes then called for more variation that just the black armor/skull helm that is prevalent today.

I think the Howling Griffon model in the center looks ace.